C-Roads France


The objectives of the cross-border tests for France were to verify European interoperability between C-ITS stations at the various pilot sites, and to test on a large scale the services offered by the French sites. These tests:

These tests:

  • covered all the messages and services already available in France: DENM, IVIM, SPATEM, MAPEM, CAM
  • involved pilot sites throughout France: Bordeaux, Lyon, East, West, etc.
  • were carried out in a complete chain: all the use cases were issued from the traffic control centres' test platforms and delivered to RSUs via the SCOOP platform for road operators. Some use cases were also issued from equipped service vehicles.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impossibility of carrying out these tests in the field, the tests were carried out remotely, thus virtually.

It should be noted that the cross-tests carried out are linked to both the C-ROADS project RESPONSIVE and the InDiD project.

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