C-ITS - Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems use communication technologies to improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of transport. The aim of these communications is to build mutual user services via this ecosystem of participants as close as possible to the user.
For more than a decade (2014), the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion (Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires) has been rolling out these new pilot technologies, supported by several major collaborative projects co-funded by the European Union and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, which bring together public and private participants (government, local authorities, universities, manufacturers, motorway concession companies, etc.).
The aim of this website dedicated to C-ITS is to present the general context for the development and deployment of this technology (legislation, history, architecture, etc.), the various projects and the different use cases and services currently being tested or in service.

The benefits of C-ITS

+ safety

C-ITS make roads safer by enabling vehicles and infrastructure to share information in real time on traffic conditions, position, speed, vehicle intentions, etc. This can help prevent collisions or encourage users to adapt their driving, by alerting them to potential dangers.

+ ecological

Thanks to C-ITS, driving becomes more ecological: by enabling vehicles to anticipate events on their route, C-ITS encourages more optimised use of vehicles and offers benefits in terms of traffic flow, fuel consumption, etc.

+ innovative

C-ITS projects involve public and private road operators, research organisations and manufacturers. The synergies created between these different participants are conducive to innovation. C-ITS projects rely heavily on new communication technologies and work to put them into practice for road users.

Are you a road infrastructure operator who wants to share information with users?
