Project objectives
The project aims to ensure optimum continuity of services at the urban/interurban interface. Consequently, it provides improved and extended test fields, targeting both strategic sections of the TEN-T core network, key congestion points, and interfaces with urban areas. The project is supported by two car manufacturers to maximise interoperability with the infrastructure and ensure future vehicle deployment.
C-ROADS France advocates a pragmatic, user-centred approach. The project has resulted in the development of a C-ITS smartphone application that supports I2V ( infrastructure-vehicle) deployment and anticipates wider deployment.
The trials carried out as part of C-ROADS France were based on:
- The capitalisation and sharing of expertise provided by the C-ROADS Platform's support
- Hybrid technology for seamless switching between ITS-G5 and cellular networks
- Shared standards for system interoperability
- 4 pilot sites for testing in a variety of contexts
- Public/private, industry/research cooperation to cover the entire C-ITS value chain.