
French C-ITS projects continue to develop C-ITS services with the aim of complementing each other.

  1. SCOOP@F (2014-2019) worked on the specific features of architectures with ITS-G5 in wave 1 and hybrid architecture in wave 2 with new cellular features.
  2. InterCor (2016-2020) focused on cross-border cellular interoperability and logistics use cases with other European countries.
  3. C-Roads France (2016-2021) concerned the first use cases, mainly on smartphone applications, pedestrian markers (safety of road agents), urban road operators and interaction with operators of other transport modes such as train level crossings.
  4. InDiD (2019-2024) is working on new and more complex use cases for automated vehicles, police and emergency vehicles and bus priority, focusing on the first stage of industrialisation and improvements to the information system.

See PowerPoint in the appendix (translation of the diagram):

schéma des projets C-ITS (illustration des étapes listées précédemment)

The French use case catalog contains the functional descriptions of the use cases considered in the four main French C-ITS projects:

SCOOP@F (waves 1 and 2), C-Roads France, InterCor and InDiD. The aim of a functional description is to describe requirements, independent of any technology.

For each use case, the functional description is the main input for the technical specification, which is the response to the needs of the use case.

The many use cases described functionally in this document were not necessarily developed in one of the cited projects. In addition, the functional description was drawn up before any technical specification. Details are given on the specific page for each project.

This interactive map shows the different deployments in France based on:

A - Data Collection

B - Construction Site Alerts

C - On-board Signage

D - Unexpected and Dangerous Events

E - Traffic Information and Rerouting

F - Parking, Park and Ride, and Multimodality

G - Intersections

H - Traffic Management

I - Vulnerable Users

J - Freight Transport and Logistics Optimization

K - Level Crossings

L - Law Enforcement

M - Payment Services

The "Probe vehicle data" use cases relate to the automatic and manual collection of data linked to vehicle traffic, signalling, dangerous events, etc. These data are intended for road operators to input into their ITS and C-ITS systems.

Summary of use cases
A1 – Traffic data collection This use case consists of automatically collecting road traffic data from the vehicle and transmitting it to the road operator. The vehicle automatically sends messages, at a given frequency, relating to the vehicle's traffic data (position, direction, speed, etc.). These data can be used for real-time traffic information and management, as well as for compiling statistics.
A2 – Probe vehicle data on detected events This use case consists of automatically collecting road events data from the vehicle and transmitting it to the road operator. The vehicle automatically sends messages relating to specific events such as: traffic conditions, weather, obstacles, slow-downs, stopped vehicles, accidents, etc.
A3 – Probe vehicle data on manually declared events This use case consists of manually collecting road events data that can't be detected automatically, and transmitting them to the road operator. This completes the range of detection tools available to road operators and users, even though the information reported may be less accurate, particularly in terms of location.
A4 – Detection of a vehicle in distress in a critical area This use case automatically detects the presence of a vehicle in distress in a critical zone. The critical zone, determined in advance by the infrastructure manager, can be a bridge, a tunnel or any other type of critical zone.
A5 – Wrong way users detection This use case detects a wrong-way vehicle on a dual carriageway. This information can be used to send a warning to the wrong-way user and to other road users so they adapt their speed (see use case "D7 - Wrong-way user alert"), as well as to the road operator.
A6 – Road signs detection This use case enables vehicles to detect and interpret road signs, record them and transmit information about their position or status to an ITS station or the road operator. The information collected can be used to update maps of the network or to alert the road operator to the presence of damaged or displaced signs.

Road Works Alert use cases concern alerts warning of temporary modifications (lane closures in particular), the presence of road works or maintenance operations, whether stationary or mobile. Depending on their application, these alerts may be intended to warn drivers so they can adapt their driving behaviour, or to warn road operators and intervention vehicles or personnel.

Summary of use cases
B1a – Alert closure of part of a lane, whole lane or several lanes This use case consists of the vehicle receiving information about the closure of a portion of a lane or the closure of a lane (but without closure of the road). The closure may be due to a static road works site or to an accident. This use case also specifies additional information required by an automated system to understand the precise topology of the road works.
B1b – Alert planned closure of a road or a carriagewayThis use case involves the vehicle receiving information about a road closure due to planned static road works. If possible, information on an alternative route is also transmitted to the driver.
B1c – Alert planned road works – mobileThis use case consists of the vehicle receiving information about an area of the road which contains, at a given moment, the closure of part of a lane or a lane closure (but no road closure) due to a planned mobile road works site. This use case can operate in I2V mode via the TMC and in Vo2V mode via the operator vehicle.
B2a – Alert operator vehicle approachingThis use case applies when a road operations agent in his service vehicle requires emergency access to an incident zone to protect it. He asks nearby drivers to facilitate his access onto the road by broadcasting a message from his vehicle.
B2b – Alert operator vehicle in interventionThis use case applies when a road operations agent in his vehicle stops in front of an accident/incident to protect obstacles or is in the process of setting up equipment (lane delimitation) to protect a site ( e.g. in the case of road works).
B2c – Alert operator vehicle in patrolThis use case applies when a road operator's patrol vehicle sends a message from the vehicle warning nearby road users that it may be driving slower than average.
B2d – Alert end of queue by a road operator vehicleThis use case applies in the event of congestion when a road operator's vehicle signals the end of the queue a few hundred metres ahead.
B3a – Winter maintenance - salting in progressThis use case applies when road operations agents (or a single agent, depending on the road operator) are in a winter maintenance vehicle salting the road and send a message from the vehicle signalling their activity.
B3b – Winter maintenance - snow removal in progressThis use case applies when road operations agents (or a single agent, depending on the road operator) are in a winter maintenance vehicle snow the road and send a message from the vehicle signalling their activity.
B3b – Winter maintenance – Alert vehicle movingThis use case applies when road operations agents are sent to salt or clear snow from a particular section or are returning from their work and are travelling in their winter maintenance vehicle, which is larger than an ordinary vehicle, to or from their centre.
B4 – Dangerous vehicle approaching a road works: Warning to the dangerous vehicleThis use case applies when a vehicle approaches with an inappropriate and dangerous trajectory an ITS station located in a trailer with a luminous arrow ahead of a road works site, the ITS station sends an alert to the dangerous vehicle.
B5 – Dangerous vehicle approaching a road works: Warning to workers Warning to road operations agents:This use case applies when a vehicle approaches with an inappropriate and dangerous trajectory an ITS station located in a trailer with a luminous arrow ahead of a road works site, an alert is sent to the road operations agents in the vicinity.
B7 – In-vehicle signage (embedded mobile VMS)This use case involves displaying "free composition" type information to the user. The information can reproduce what is displayed on a physical mobile VMS ( e.g. on a maintenance vehicle). This service is a "tool" that can be used to develop other use cases.

"In-vehicle signage" use cases refer to the technologies and functionalities integrated into vehicles to interpret messages from road infrastructures and their equipment, and more specifically signage-related messages. This includes dynamic signalling, which can be installed on certain roads to manage and control traffic (traffic signal regulation, lane management, speed regulation, etc.). This category also includes use cases relating to crossing toll barriers, particularly for automated vehicles.

Summary of use cases
C2 – In-vehicle dynamic speed limit informationThis use case aims to provide vehicles with a dynamic speed limit from a traffic management centre. The variable speed limit is imposed on the vehicle's algorithm in order to modify the vehicle's driving rules, displayed on board the vehicle for passengers and the driver. The aim is to inform the user of the mandatory dynamic speed limit so they can adapt their speed.
C3 – In-vehicle signage (embedded VMS)This use case involves displaying "free composition" type information to the user. The information can reproduce what is displayed on a physical VMS or display a new message (virtual VMS). This service is a tool used by many other use cases.
C4 – Toll station approaching: orientation of driversThis use case applies when a vehicle is approaching a toll plaza. The traffic manager sends a specific message to help the vehicle find its way to an appropriate electronic toll collection lane.
C5 – Toll station approaching: event informationThis use case applies when a vehicle is approaching a toll plaza. The traffic manager sends a specific message informing the driver of a specific event occurring in the toll plaza.
C7 – Toll station approaching: enhanced orientation of driversThis use case applies when a vehicle is approaching a toll plaza. The road manager sends a specific message to help the driver find his way around the plaza. The toll management centre and/or the traffic control centre provide the information in real time. The status of the appropriate lane is indicated according to the means of payment configured in the vehicle: open/closed and estimated waiting time.
C8 – Toll barrier crossing for automated vehiclesThis use case applies after an automated vehicle has entered a specific lane and completed the transaction at a toll station. The traffic manager sends information on the status of the traffic signal and the toll barrier.
C11 – Dangerous vehicle approaching a road works: Safety recommendation to the dangerous vehicleThis use case applies when a vehicle approaches an ITS station in a lighted arrow trailer ahead of a road works site with an inappropriate and dangerous trajectory. The ITS station sends a safety recommendation to the dangerous vehicle.

The objective of this category of use cases is to send drivers alerts on different types of unexpected and dangerous events related to the weather, traffic conditions, potential dangerous obstacles (including broken down or damaged vehicles, people on the road, etc.).

Most of these use cases are in the form of V2V or I2V messages (i.e. vehicle-to-vehicle or infrastructure-to-vehicle), including for some other use case categories. For example, use case D13 - Longitudinal Collision Risk Warning (LCRW) is similar to use case B4, which in turn processes information using I2V logic.

Summary of use cases
D1 – Alert temporary slippery roadThis use case applies when a road operator knows that a section of road (or a single point) is temporarily slippery and signals this to the road user (I2V) or when a vehicle detects that it is slipping and broadcasts an alert message to other vehicles (V2V).
D2a – Alert animal on the roadThe use case applies when a road operator knows that one (or more) animal(s) is (are) walking on its network and broadcasts the information to road users (I2V) or when a driver detects one (or more) animal(s) on the road and reports this via its HMI, thus broadcasting a message to road users (V2V).
D2b – Alert people on the roadThe use case applies when a road operator knows that one (or more) animal(s) is (are) walking on its network and broadcasts the information to road users (I2V) or when a driver detects one (or more) animal(s) on the road and reports this via its HMI, thus broadcasting a message to road users (V2V).
D3 – Alert obstacle on the roadThis use case applies when a road operator knows that one or more obstacles are present on one or more lanes of its network and broadcasts the information to road users (I2V) or when a driver detects one or more persons on the road and signals this via his HMI, thereby broadcasting a message to road users (V2V).
D4 – Alert stationary vehicle / breakdownThis use case applies when a road operator detects that a vehicle is stopped/broken down on its network and broadcasts this information to road users (I2V) or when a driver detects that a vehicle is stopped/broken down on the road and reports this via its HMI, thereby broadcasting a message to road users (V2V).
D5 – Alert accident areaThis use case applies when a road operator detects that an accident has occurred on its network and broadcasts this information to road users (I2V) or when a driver detects that an accident has occurred on the road and reports this via his HMI, thereby broadcasting a message to road users (V2V).
D6 – Alert reduced visibilityThis use case applies when a road operator knows that a part of the road has low visibility and signals this to the road user (I2V) or when a driver detects that a part of the road has low visibility and signals this via his HMI, thereby broadcasting a message to road users (V2V).
D7 – Alert wrong way drivingThe purpose of this use case is for an alerted road operator to warn the driver that he risks encountering a vehicle travelling the wrong way. The purpose is not to warn the wrong-way driver that he is going the wrong way.
D8 – Alert unsecured blockage of a roadThis use case applies when a traffic control centre operator is informed that a road is blocked. The time it takes for the road operations agents to arrive at the site to protect and manage it, the operator sends a message to road users (I2V) or when a driver detects an obstacle on the road and signals it via his HMI, thereby broadcasting a message to road users (V2V). A blockage means that it is impossible to pass through this road (it is not an obstacle).
D9 – Alert temporary mountain pass route closureThis use case applies when a driver receives an alert concerning the closure of a mountain pass route. He can also receive the recommended route.
D10 – Alert emergency brakeThis use case applies when a vehicle automatically detects emergency braking and broadcasts an alert message to other vehicles (V2V).
D11 – Alert end of queueThis use case applies in the event of congestion when a road operator detects a queue and sends the information to the road user, mentioning the length of the queue (I2V) or when a vehicle detects the end of a queue and broadcasts an alert message to the other vehicles (V2V).
D12 – Emergency vehicle approachingThis use case involves using the information provided by the emergency vehicle to warn drivers that the emergency vehicle is approaching (even if the siren and warning light are not yet audible or visible). If the emergency vehicle is stopped, drivers are also alerted to its presence (and possibly to the presence of personnel in the zone). Safety instructions may be provided.
D13 – Longitudinal collision risk warningThis use case applies when, based on messages received by the C-ITS, the system detects or is informed of a risk of an impending side collision and transmits this notification to the driver and to the other C-ITS stations concerned by this risk of collision (V2V), so they take immediate action (possibly including ADAS action).
D14 – Alert slow vehicleThis use case applies when a slow moving vehicle's presence on the road is signalled to following vehicles (V2V). This case may also extend to vehicles that stop frequently, buggies and driving school vehicles.

This category of use cases deals with traffic information that has an impact on journey times or routes. The services provided by the E use cases enable vehicles to redirect themselves to alternative routes or to better anticipate their journey time. Most of the use cases concerned are I2V related.

Summary of use cases
E1 – Traffic information about snow on the roadThis use case applies when road operators provide real-time local information on the impact of snow on road accessibility and display this information in road users' cars.
E2 – ReroutingThis use case applies when the road user receives information on the recommended route in the event of a problem on the usual route.
E3 – Smart routingThis use case applies when the road user requests a smart recommended route, based on a collective optimum. This enables the road operator to optimise the distribution of traffic on its network, by recommending a route to drivers based on a calculation of the collective optimum.
E4 – Smart POIThis use case involves providing dynamic, up-to-date information on various subjects via the vehicle's HMI (by broadcast). The end user can obtain additional information in unicast mode. In addition, a URL link can be displayed for further information.
E5 – Travel time of heavy goods vehicleThis use case provides HGVs with their specific journey time so drivers can adapt their route.
E6 – Alert extreme weather conditionsThis use case applies when a road operator knows that a stretch of road is experiencing extreme weather conditions and informs the road user (I2V) or when a vehicle detects that it has been driving in an area with extreme weather conditions for some time and broadcasts an alert message to other vehicles (V2V).
E7 – Traffic jam aheadThis use case applies when, within its traffic management centre, a road operator detects a traffic jam and sends the information to the road user, mentioning the position and duration of the traffic jam. It may also indicate the section(s) concerned, the time needed to get through the traffic jam and other useful information if available.
E8 – Approaching vehicle: Traffic information on the closure of a mountain passThis situation applies when the driver is informed that he is approaching a closed pass when he sets off on the pass road.

This category of use cases is used to provide vehicles with information on parking availability (car park locations, free spaces, etc.) and public transport timetables (as part of a multimodal approach). Depending on the use case, the information may be static or dynamic. Most of these use cases are I2V related.

Summary of use cases
F1A – Information on parking lots location, availability and services in urban areaThis use case involves providing drivers of light vehicles with information about car parks (location, availability, services, rates, etc.) and car-sharing areas.
F1B – Information on parking lot locations, availability and services on highwaysThis use case involves providing drivers of all vehicles (light vehicles and heavy goods vehicles) with information about car parks (location, availability, services, charges, etc.).
F2 – Parking lots location and availability: break time indicationThis use case involves displaying, at a certain frequency, the parking spaces available on a driver's route to encourage him to take regular breaks.
F3 – Information about the schedule of the next public transport after parking at the stationThis use case applies when the road user is parked at a public transport stop or station and can access information about the next public transport departure from his vehicle.
F4 – Information about the schedule of the next public transport when approaching a stationThis use case applies when road users are heading for a destination known to their navigation system. He requests the timetable of the next train and receives static or dynamic information about trains travelling to the same location.
F5 – Information p+r in order to modal transferThis use case involves providing drivers with park-and-ride information (location, availability, etc.), with an additional indication of the comparative journey time by type of transport to encourage modal transfer and changes in travel behaviour.
F6 – Reservation of a parking space released by a userThis use case applies when a road user is looking for a parking space and another road user, with the same type of vehicle, is about to leave his parking space. They are connected, and the outgoing vehicle waits for the searching vehicle before leaving the space.
F7 – Information about a parking space released by a userThis use case applies when a road user vacates his parking space and broadcasts the information to surrounding vehicles.
F8 – Car-sharing service between two specific stationsThis use case applies when the road operator automatically sends information about a request to pick up a pedestrian at a car- sharing station to vehicles in the vicinity of the station. The destination of the car-sharing station is chosen by the pedestrian and sent to the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle responds if he agrees to pick up the pedestrian.
F9 – Information on special street parking spacesThis use case involves providing drivers of vehicles with special needs in terms of on-street parking spaces (PRM, delivery) with information about parking spaces (location, availability, etc.).

The aim of the "Intersections" use cases is to optimise the crossing of intersections, particularly when approaching traffic signals. One of the main use cases in this category is GLOSA (Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory). These use cases can also be used to manage priority at traffic signals for certain vehicles, such as emergency vehicles, or to detect dangerous/illegal crossings.

Summary of use cases
G1A – Green light optimal speed advisory (GLOSA)This use case involves giving drivers advice on how to optimise their approach to a traffic signal in order to turn green (maintain current speed, slow down, adopt a specific speed). Traffic signals broadcast messages to approaching vehicles to inform them of the timing of traffic signal phases.
G1b – Time to green (TTG)This use case involves giving drivers advice on how to optimise their approach to a traffic signal in order to turn green (maintain current speed, slow down, adopt a specific speed). Traffic signals broadcast messages to approaching vehicles to inform them of the time remaining before the next green light.
G2 – Traffic signal priority request by designated vehiclesThis use case involves giving priority to certain designated vehicles at traffic signals (V2I).
G3 – Intersection violation: warning to the violator vehicleThis use case involves informing a driver that he is about to run a red light or stop sign.
G4 – Intersection violation: warning to approaching vehiclesThe purpose of this use case is to inform drivers approaching an equipped intersection that a vehicle is likely to run a red light or stop sign.
G5 – In-vehicle signage at a merge for vehicles on the entry slip roadThis use case involves displaying, for vehicles travelling on an interchange entry slip road, information about vehicles arriving on the upstream section of the main road, either from the road operator (I2V) or from surrounding vehicles (V2V).
G6 – In-vehicle signage at a merge for vehicles on the main roadThis use case involves informing vehicles travelling on the upstream part of the main road that vehicles are arriving on an entry slip road, either by the road operator (I2V) or by surrounding vehicles (V2V).
G7 – HD cartography extended servicesThis use case applies when, in urban areas, the infrastructure sends detailed maps of the intersection with the various storage lanes to improve an autonomous vehicle's perception. On motorways, HD mapping can be displayed for toll station crossings, road works crossings and road works on service areas.
G8 – Green phase extension for pedestriansThis use case involves anticipating the arrival of users at a signalized intersection by informing them of the status of the pedestrian light, and encouraging them to request passage ahead of the pedestrian light, then assigning a green light passage slot adapted to the user's profile (P2I2V).

Use cases relating to traffic management enable vehicles to be informed of lanes that are off-limits or reserved for them ( e.g. dynamic management of car-pooling lanes), as well as lane closures (e.g. in the event of flooding). Most of these use cases are therefore I2V-related.

Summary of use cases
H1 – Permanent traffic ban to specific vehiclesThis use case informs drivers of a permanent traffic ban for specific vehicles on a given road, section or zone.
H2 – Dynamic traffic ban to specific vehiclesThis use case informs drivers of a dynamic driving ban for specific vehicles on a given road, section or zone and for a specific period of time. A dynamic traffic ban for all vehicles based on a special event can also be implemented.
H3 – Dynamic lane management - reserved lane (V2I2V)This use case involves informing drivers that there is a reserved lane on a given stretch of road and telling them whether they can use it, depending on the vehicle characteristics chosen by the road operator. At the same time, the vehicles send their own characteristics to the road operator. These data collected from vehicles help the road operator to manage the dynamic lane based on traffic.
H4 – Dynamic lane management - reserved lane (I2V)This use case applies when the road operator restricts the use of one or more lanes to a certain category of road user and transmits the information sufficiently in advance. The vehicle receiving the information does not necessarily know whether it is affected by the restriction.
H5 – Dynamic lane assignmentThis use case applies when the road operator closes one or more lanes and transmits the information sufficiently in advance.
H6 – HGV overtaking banThis use case informs HGV drivers of a permanent, variable or dynamic overtaking ban on a specific road section.
H8 – Vehicle entering a non-autonomous zoneThis use case involves informing the automated vehicle that it is entering an area where the road operator advises against the use of a fully automated driving system.
H9 – Flooded roadsThis use case involves alerting road users of flooded sections of road, after an estuarine flood warning has been issued. Intervention agents also share information on the implementation (or adjustment) of the intervention plan.

The "Vulnerable users" use cases refer to users such as pedestrians, road workers and cyclists. Their purpose is to inform vehicles that there are vulnerable users on the road, and to inform users that vehicles are approaching, especially at intersections.

Summary of use cases
I1A – Pedestrian violating the right of passage - warning to vehiclesThis use case, based on infrastructure analysis, aims to prevent the risk of collision between a pedestrian and a vehicle by warning the drivers concerned of approaching vehicles when a risk of collision has been identified.
I1B – Pedestrians waiting at signalized intersections – safety recommendation to vehiclesThis use case, based on infrastructure analysis, aims to prevent the risk of collision between pedestrians and a vehicle by sending a safety recommendation to approaching vehicles when a critical number of pedestrians is detected. The service will be provided at signalised intersections that the road operator has identified as major.
I2 – Pedestrian at signalized intersection: warning to pedestrianThis use case, based on infrastructure analysis, aims to prevent the risk of collision between a pedestrian and a vehicle, by warning the pedestrian when a risk is identified.
I3 – Road workers in the fieldThis use case involves sending a message to an approaching vehicle to indicate that a road operations agent is working on or near the road.
I4 – Pedestrian out of intersections and out of pedestrian crossings: warning to vehiclesThis use case, based on P2V analysis, aims to prevent the risk of collision between a pedestrian and a vehicle by alerting the drivers concerned of approaching vehicles when a risk of collision is identified.
I5 – Vulnerable user at a public transport stopThis use case involves warning the vehicle that a vulnerable person may be in its path at a bus stop. A public transport vehicle warns that the doors are open and that pedestrians may want to cross the road.
I6 – Pedestrian crossing outside signalized intersection: warning to vehicles approachingThis use case involves warning vehicles approaching a pedestrian crossing outside a signalised intersection (specific point identified by the traffic manager) and encouraging vehicle drivers to exercise caution.
I7 – Bicycle lane in opposite direction in a one way roadThis use case involves indicating to a vehicle travelling on a one-way road that it is likely to encounter an oncoming cyclist.

Multimodal cargo transport optimization (MCTO) is a service to help lorry drivers hauling transport containers to a logistics hub and across the English Channel. The functional descriptions of the use cases in the "J" category are fully aligned with the description produced as part of the InterCor project.

Often, lorry drivers have to wait a certain amount of time when they arrive at a logistics platform. This service aims to provide a more accurate estimate of the time of arrival and to optimise the planning of lorry (un)loading at logistics platforms.

Planning the (un)loading of lorries at logistics platforms.

Summary of use cases
J1 – Estimated time of arrival (ETA) for terminal operatorsThis use case applies to optimising the transport of goods to logistics platforms by providing the terminal with real-time information on the expected arrival time of lorries.
J2 – Dock reservationThis use case applies to optimising the transport of goods to logistics platforms by providing the terminal with the expected arrival time of lorries.
J3 – Assigning a slot to a given vehicle for cross-channel trafficThis use case involves optimising the transport of goods to logistics platforms by dynamically checking the status of time slots or reserving time slots.
J4 – Information on the site’s access conditionsThis use case involves providing the driver with information on access conditions to the site upstream of the port, such as road events, information on parking spaces and waiting time at the port entrance.
J5 – Optimal route advice for trucksThis use case involves optimising the transport of goods from logistics platforms by suggesting optimal routes.
J6 – Guide the truck in the port (terminal or truck parking)This use case involves guiding lorries in the port to a terminal or lorry park using a predefined route. If the terminal is ready, the lorry will be guided directly, otherwise it will first be guided to a lorry park, then to the terminal if possible.

The "Level crossings" use cases refer to the crossing of level crossings: information on the status of the level crossing (guarded/unguarded status, signs, traffic restrictions), including for autonomous vehicles, detection of vehicles in distress when stopped on a level crossing, etc.

Summary of use cases
K1 – Level crossing statusThis use case applies so the human driver or automated driving system can detect the crossing and adapt his speed and behaviour according to the state of the crossing, in order to cross it safely or wait in front of it, if necessary.
K4 – Detection of a vehicle in distress on a level crossingThis use case automatically detects the presence of a vehicle in distress in a critical zone. The critical zone, determined beforehand by the infrastructure operator, can be a level crossing, a bridge, a tunnel, etc.
K5 – Unguarded level crossing aheadThis use case applies when the presence of an unguarded level crossing is signalled to vehicles in the vicinity.
K6 – Traffic restriction at a level crossingThis use case applies when the presence of a traffic restriction at a level crossing is signalled to vehicles in the vicinity. This restriction may concern the width, height, weight, speed of the vehicle and type of road. There can be several traffic restrictions at the same level crossing.

“Law enforcement" use cases are designed to facilitate law enforcement operations, both for detecting and locating reported/searched vehicles and for transmitting information to users. This information may relate to the presence of law enforcement vehicles (for road safety purposes) or to instructions given by law enforcement agencies directly to vehicles.

Summary of use cases
L1 – Identification of vehicles reported by law enforcement agenciesThis use case applies to enable the police to identify and locate vehicles reported in national and Schengen police files.
L2 – Stationary law enforcement vehicleThis use case is used to warn users that law enforcement officers are stationed on their route.
L3 – Automated driving system statusThis use case is used to inform law enforcement officers of the status of an automated driving system.
L4 – Location of vehicle particularly sought after by law enforcement agenciesThis use case is used to locate in real time a vehicle being sought by law enforcement agencies as part of investigations into serious crimes (terrorist attacks, kidnapping of minors, etc.), missing persons or fugitives.
L5A – Police instructions to a single designated vehicleThis use case applies so a police officer can unambiguously transmit instructions to a designated vehicle.
L5B – Police instructions to a group of vehicles located in a designated areaThis use case applies so a police officer can unambiguously issue instructions to a group of vehicles in a designated area.

The purpose of this category of use case is to facilitate toll collection by allowing vehicles to automatically perform the transaction with the road operator. The type of transmission used is V2I2V. The use cases may also include information on the availability of the toll service to the connected vehicle.

Summary of use cases
M1 – Payment service at a toll station This use case involves automatically performing the toll transaction between the vehicle and the road operator.